Risk Assessment & Budgeting
Risk review for large property acqusition. The risk check can include previous use history, general area charecterstics, security and safety support, degree of local involvements, support from the industrial authorities, and other factors that can ensure a stable and peaceful operating environment.
Risks also include availability of power supply, traffic congestion levels and possibility of hiring people quickly.
Property acquistion involves many costs that are outside the property value consideration
- Expense for Pre Acquisition Studies and Legal
- Cost of obtaining approvals
- Expenses associated with the real estate transaction such as brokerage, stamp duty, etc.
- Estimating impact of duties and taxes levied on consumables
- Estimate of refurbishment of existing structures
- Extimates of cost of pulling utility lines in case of increase of capacities
Risk Categories
A detailed due diligence on Title prior to purchasing a property. We provide assistance to lawyers in this matter while adding our inputs from a regulatory viewpoint.
Environmental risks related to the prosposed operations and its impact on the environment. Usually this is part of the Environmental Impact Analysis. If extra precautions need tobe taken it may have an impact of the project budget.
Environemntal Risk Assessment related to the proposed operations at site.
Risk analysis brings about a required perecentage of introspection into the acquistion process, which can provide the desired assurance levels for investors.