We are specialized in MIDC Consulting, providing our services to manufacturing companies, engineering concerns, data centers and anyone who is operating from an Industrial Land.

By MIDC Consulting we mean consultation on all rules and regulations of MIDC applicable to industrial units located in land allotted by MIDC.

Yes, we provide approval services, i.e. approvals and permissions required to acquire, develop, operate, sell or lease on a designated industrial plot.

Our clients have different types of real estate requirements for different projects. We can always come in to ensure that the due diligence is 100%, minimize liability risks and also making sure the proposed use will be 100% permitted.

We provide industrial land acquisition servics to customers in advanced stages of land purchase in highly sought after industrial locations. 

Manufacturing, Data Centers, Engineering, Automotive, Pharamceutical, APIs, PE Industrial Funds, Industrial Parks

Anaya Consulting does cross consulting with an Environmental Consulting firm who specializes in all consents under the gambit of MoEF and Pollution Control Boards across India. So yes, we can address your environmental related requirements.

We are well versed with legal requirements that are ‘usually’  connected with industrial property holdings. However, we are not a law firm. We therefore provide our services to law firms who may required very specific ‘knowledge and information consulting’ on a case to case basis.

We can do a quick check of your property and its area details, to generate a brief report on viability, cost and best options along with other practical considerations related to the layout of the plot.

Greenfield / Setup Services

For green field data center project, we can work with your development team in providing 

  1. Accquiring formalities and checks
  2. Pre construction approvals
  3. During construction approvals
  4. Post construction approvals

Also we will provide visibility on timelines so that the business plans can be scehduled according to the practical occupancy date.

Fiscal Incentives

An important step will be to qualify for Eligible Incentives as per conditions laid out in the Industrial Policy. Anaya can ensure that the operating unit is qualified and enjoys incentives the unit is eligble for.

We do not have a fixed fee rate as every industrial property is different with its own characterestics and operations. Therefore, we quote our fees specific to the service that we are expected to provide.

Location Selection

Within MIDC, and based on the nature of your industry, we can give you our Opinion on suitable location, fair market valuation, etc.

Site Selection

In case you have liked a few sites, we can work with your team in ranking the sites bringing in expertise on local area management, land use history and compatibale change of use, etc.


If you have decided to acquire a site, we can assist in due diligence, environmental assessment, change of use viability and acquistion formalities.

Building trust is a process and it starts with engagement. Over time it builds based on solutions proposed and execution.  Our compensations are usually service delivery based. Our track record and industry history can always be discussed during engagement.